What will increase the taste?

What will increase the taste? I have no taste in my mouth at all,

I don’t want to eat anything. What will increase the taste of the game? There are many such questions. We are disgusted for various reasons.

After gas problems, constipation, liver or kidney disease, fever or infection, side effects of various medications, even stress or depression can cause loss of appetite.

Reluctance to eat during pregnancy and growing children. Here are some tips to increase appetite:

Do not drink water at the beginning or in the middle of eating.

Taste, color, smell of food affects human taste. So serve the food interestingly.

Do some light exercise or walk every day. Metabolism will increase and hunger will also increase. Eat more fibrous foods to relieve constipation.

• Diseases, fever,

anorexia some days after infection. Choose nutritious food at this time. Eat soups, fruits, fruit juices, milkshakes, meats, etc.

If you do not have gas problem, you can add various spices to increase the taste in food. For example:

pepper, cardamom, ginger, garlic, vinegar, lemon juice, you can eat food with various pickles.

These are delicious. But if you have gas problems, eat easily digestible food with a little less spice.

Avoid fast food,

soft drinks, chips. These reduce appetite and keep the stomach full for a long time.

• Excessive tea, coffee, smoking reduces hunger. Dairy foods, such as cheese, yogurt, etc. increase the taste.

To enhance the taste, you can mix raw mango or dried mango powder with water, ginger or ginger juice with hot water or tea, mint leaves, cardamom powder or sugar.

Pomegranate juice, orange or malt, lemon enhances the taste. Add broccoli, tomatoes, coriander leaves to the diet.

If the anorexia is chronic, weight loss, fever, weakness, etc., you must seek medical attention.


Healthy life is a happy life.

We want to stay healthy in our daily lives. Do those of us who consider ourselves healthy ever experience heart failure, nervous weakness, loss of appetite, anemia?

If so, how can I get rid of it?


Apple is a very well known fruit, which is found everywhere. Many people may have heard that you don’t have to eat an apple every day or go to the doctor.

There is no pair of apples as a light snack as eating apples fills the stomach. Because of the dazzling colors, the little ones also like to eat.

Apples fill the iron deficiency in the body. Apples play a role in the formation of red blood cells, that is, the importance of apples to overcome anemia, iron deficiency is immense.

Eating one to two apples a day can get rid of heart problems. Badian: Anise plays an important role in digestion. This increases the demand for food.

Fennel juice mixed with water is very useful for flatulence and stomach bites and helps in reducing stomach acidity. Fennel enhances eyesight,

helps to cure anemia Fennel also contains Vitamin-C and Iron. Cinnamon: Cinnamon as a home remedy has many benefits that may not be known to many, its role in disease prevention is many.

Many people are suffering from joint problems, in this case you can use cinnamon as a medicine to reduce joint pain.

Mix one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder in warm water and massage it on the affected area for 2-3 days to reduce the pain.

Cinnamon plays a helpful role in digestion and enhances appetite, increases the strength of the brain,

heart as well as helps in nerve stimulation and also helps in increasing general strength.


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