Signs coming of Imam Mahdi

Signs coming of Imam Mahdi

Of the 60 signs mentioned in the Hadith as signs of the coming of Imam Mahdi (as), about 75 have been fulfilled! Here are some of them: Signs coming of Imam Mahdi

Signs coming of Imam Mahdi

1. Wealth of human beings will increase – (Bukhari),

2. People will use hair curler – (Abu Dawood),

3. There will be frequent earthquakes- (Bukhari),

4. Murder will increase without trial – (Bukhari and Muslim),

5. There will be frequent bazaars and women will be the first to enter there- (Bukhari, Muslim and Mishkat),

6. Women will be the product (will do various advertising including placement in their store),

6. The number of women will increase compared to men (Bukhari and Muslim),

6. There will be frequent thunderstorms. People from different areas

When they see each other, they will say how many people died in your area in the last thunderstorm.

9. Interest will be scattered.

10. Corruption will increase.

11. Punishment will not be established for any crime.

12. Adultery, adultery, love, illicit relationship, adultery will increase.

13. Time will pass quickly, blessings will diminish.

14. Music will increase and it will be considered halal.

15. Alcohol will increase and it will be sold under other names.

16. The rulers will make the disbelievers friends.

16. Power will be in the hands of incompetent people.

16. Society, family, state will be ruled by women in almost all places.

19. There will be only Muslims in name.

20. Rejoice without thinking sin is sin.

21. Innovation will increase in large quantities.

22. Fetna will rain from the sky (via satellite – internet)!

23. A group of Muslim ummah will worship idols (understand)!

24. The maid will give birth to her lord (the daughter will treat her mother like a maid).

25. Singers, heroes, heroines, dancers will be appreciated!

26. Muslims will be persecuted everywhere!

26. People will stay away from various obligatory provisions including jihad.

26. Fools will catch the scholars wrong!

29. The Euphrates River will dry up (currently 94 percent of the water has dried up! Do you know?) And mountains of gold will rise from it. 99% of the people will think it is their own and go to war.

30. There will be fear of death and there will be more love of life.

31. There will be three cracks in the Saudi leadership (three sons of the current king).

spoking More

If 4 of the remaining 5 signs are fulfilled, the day of resurrection will start counting! Those-

1. Knowledge will be taken away from the scholars,

2. The recitation will be taken away from the reciters,

3. The mosque will be glamorous but the worshipers will be less.

4. The text of the Qur’an will be erased,

5. The sun will rise in the west!

Do you think that the Day of Resurrection is near? It used to seem that the Hour is yet to come. But now I think the Hour is so close that maybe I too can see the Hour …!

Death reminds me-you 6 times every day

Doing! I-How many times do you remember death?

May Allah grant all Muslims the gift of faith. We are all sinners, may God forgive us and protect us! Amen.

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